Register now to attend a webinar on how to apply for the Emergency Community Sup…
Register now to attend a webinar on how to apply for the Emergency Community Support Fund
This one-hour webinar will serve as an opportunity to learn more about the supports available to your organization and provide details on how to apply for funding.
Please only register for one session as spaces are limited.
Thank you for your commitment to vulnerable people during this time.
Webinars will be held at:
2pm Eastern Time, May 21, 2020. English.…/WN__Hkjz1uMTASEwLMIs…
11am Eastern Time, May 22, 2020. French.…/WN_zzo6zvfERYS-f30Ay…
11am Eastern Time, May 25, 2020. English. (link below)…/WN_4DzFxlNAS1SnYXizR…
These webinars will be recorded and made available on the Community Foundations of Canada website.
The Government of Canada’s $350 million Emergency Community Support Fund supports community organizations helping vulnerable people during the COVID-19 crisis. Community organizations may seek funds to undertake a wide range of activities and to serve a wide range of vulnerable groups.
Community organizations may apply for funds through either the Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada or the United Way Centraide network. The right place to apply depends on the community organization’s type:
– Non-profit organizations may apply to the Canadian Red Cross’ national portal.
– Registered charities and other qualified donees may apply to the Community Foundations of Canada’s national portal OR to their local United Way Centraide (check the United Way Centraide Canada’s website for information on how to apply).
Employment and Social Development Canada