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Some updates on the District of Elkford Paving Project this week.Thank you for y…

July 28, 2020


Some updates on the District of Elkford Paving Project this week.Thank you for your patience and cooperation!

Image may contain: text that says 'elktord Paving Updates July 27-31 District Drive, Elkford's paving project continues Way, Crescent Alpine Alliance Church, keep homeowner alteredt patterns. single-lane traffic Balmer Alpine from Fording nonitoringt closures patience! project appreciate cooperation emergency availableat safety, roads be periodically closed construction. possible, through-tra through locations designated traffic maintained Did you know? "Local trafficonly means closed sections road accessible those who are business within that closed section. Through asked use alternate route destination. elKtord heart. Wild Qustonsabuthe.avingpojcte.ontathe ublicWorksDepartmentat2 865 4025. 250.865.4025'
