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Cranbrook Age Friendly Committee looking at introducing Seniors’ Centers Without Walls Program.

November 5, 2020


This would be a great program for our area, especially during these difficult times. If you are interested, be sure to let the Cranbrook Age Friendly Advisory Committee know!

"The Seniors’ Centre Without Walls (SCWW) program is a great way to get connected with others all from the comfort of your own home! The program offers brief 30-minute interactive telephone conference sessions where you can laugh and socialize, learn new skills, and create new connections. Even better yet, the program is completely free to participate in! The Seniors’ Centre Without Walls would be available for all seniors 55+ living in Cranbrook and area."

Cranbrook Age Friendly Committee looking at introducing Seniors’ Centers Without Walls Program.

Are you interested in meeting with a group of people on your telephone with the push of a button? Are you missing talking to other people? The Seniors’ Centre Without Walls (SCWW) program is a great way to get connected with others all from the comfort of your own home! The program offers brief 30…
