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Skating families our annual raffle is coming up soon and we want to ensure that …

January 11, 2021


Skating families our annual raffle is coming up soon and we want to ensure that all tickets sold are placed into the draw. If you have not made arrangement with Harmony to drop off tickets- please make sure to do so by Jan 14th. Harmony will make herself available at the rink at the start of the…

Image may contain: text that says "* FERNIE SKATING CLUB PRESENTS * THE BIGGEST RAFFLE EVER! 1st Prize: $2500 The package consists of $650 in accommodations/ski package, groceries $500, $500 in fuel, $850 in miscellaneous gift cards. 2nd Prize: $1500 3rd Prize: $500 DRAW JAN 19TH @ 5PM FERNIE MEMORIAL ARENA * *"
