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Tom Shypitka is the Kootenay East MLA and is dedicated to serving the constituents of his riding. This website is here to help inform about issues that affect Kootenay East constituents while also providing a resource tool for reaching out and communicating with Tom.

If you have an issue, challenge or comment that you feel is important to yourself and the citizens of the Kootenay East riding, please take a moment to tell Tom about it. You can fill out a form, or collect other contact information on the contact us page.

Tom Shypitka was elected MLA for Kootenay East in 2017. He currently serves as the Official Opposition Critic for Energy and Mines and is a Member of the Select Standing Committee on Education.

Prior to his election, Tom was a financial advisor and served as a Cranbrook city councillor, director of the East Kootenay Regional District and hospital board, as well as vice chair of the Central East Kootenay Community Directed Funds Committee and chair of the Cranbrook in motion committee.

Tom enjoys volunteering his time working with several health-based local charities, coaching minor baseball, soccer, and curling.

He is an avid curler and is a three time provincial champion at the national level, playing at the Brier twice and narrowly missing the opportunity to represent Canada at the Olympics.

Tom’s hobbies include snowboarding, learning to hunt, karaoke, cooking, entertaining, guitar, but mostly enjoying the Kootenay lifestyle by hiking with his wife or camping with the family.

Tom is married to his beautiful wife Carrie, and has three children, Dustin, Allie and Adam.

Contact Tom Shypitka

Wildlife Amendment Act Petition – Click image below to view 

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