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Dear Constituents: There is no doubt that British Columbia’s tourism industry i…

June 2, 2020


Dear Constituents:
There is no doubt that British Columbia’s tourism industry is facing challenges due to COVID 19. Tourism operators, many of them small businesses, have faced many hardships that will require government’s immediate attention.

As your local representatives, we have received numerous questions and concerns on how the tourism industry can successfully reopen after the pandemic. Unfortunately, there are more questions than answers.

That is why we would like to hear directly from you so we can share your concerns with the government. You are invited to participate in a virtual meeting via Zoom, with your local MLAs – Tom Shypitka and Official Opposition Co-Critics for Tourism Doug Clovechok and Michelle Stilwell, MLA Parksville-Qualicum from 6:00 – 7:00pm MDST on Wednesday, June 10, 2020.

Please RSVP to Melissa Nowakowski at or text 250-661-2246.

Tom Shypitka MLA Kootenay East
Doug Clovechok MLA Columbia River Revelstoke.

