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On the eve of the election, I would like to wish my fellow Kootenay Candidates G…

October 23, 2020


On the eve of the election, I would like to wish my fellow Kootenay Candidates Good Luck!

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'RE-ELECT BC Liberals DOUG CLOVECHOK PLEASE VOTE Saturday, Oct 24 9:00AM-9:00PM MST 8:00AM-8:00PM PST work for you!" 1-800-567-2257 Find where to vote:'Image may contain: 1 person, text that says '/ElectTanyaFinley @ElectTanyaFinley BC Liberals Restore Confidence. Rebuild Bc. tenacious resilient adaptable elect tanya FINLEY Nelson-Creston Elect good people, get better Parties. A political Party is simply group of people Change the people, and by extension, the Party is changed too. This election isn't about 2001, or even the 1990s. It's about the future, and that' where I'm focused. I'm asking you to vote for me because you know who am and what stand for. Ifwe're stuck looking backward, we can't move forward Let's move forward together. DANID GOLDGMT FINANCINL AGENT IBERAL PARTY'
